objective look towards Artificial Intelligence art
Why I think Ai should help us.
shouldnt be our enemy…
shouldnt be our religion…
it is a tool. A super smart fudging tool!
(Of course images in this blog are Ai generated)
Today the issue I would like to address is an objective look towards Artificial Intelligence. You know me enough so as always I mentioned I can be wrong and you should not count my words as any kind of advice. Just a slight difference in perspective towards the matter. (coming from a person with art background and not Ai background)
I worked in the design industry for about 11 years now. Mostly digital architecture and unstandardized spaces. Ive always looked towards bending the convenience of a space we know and try to make it more obvious. Let me explain what I mean and highlight its relation to Ai:
just now think about where you are while reading this blog. Right now… think about it! You probably are sitting on a chair maybe on bus, your office, bathroom, your living room etc. you are not thinking about what you are sitting. Its already happening like every other day. Ok. So technically this is what you do a lot of times while doing other things. The chair exist in the background of your life right now. Now imagine the chair start shaking and talking to you! It says: Yo! What happens immediately is the existence of this chair shifts to your foreground and you start “seeing” it. This shift might comes with a surprise or sympathy or any other thing but what guaranteed is that you will pay attention to what you used to not!
(the face didnt came up scary as some ai images do! yay)
If I made it confusing, here is a simple way: the chair on this example do something that its never done so it breaks the reality shield you made around you! You pay attention to it because its not real now! its not a boring chair anymore its talking!
Ok what’s its relation to Ai though? Here is what i like to call the same shift of using a tool for artists. Ai now makes the tool exist more in our foreground (way more than before). For artists this shift can come either with fear, feeling opportunity or even ignorance. what happens is Ai will open more doors to people who are outside of the art community to start creating more! That’s scary to a lot of people. If I can immediately ask Ai to imagine a horse under water with a specific camera lens I can just type it right?
what can I contribute from now on after this shift?
this topic is getting a little too deep in multiple things but I need to establish a fair definition of Art in my opinion:
To me art is what comes from our subconscious that’s a feel and generates a form to be able to communicate to other people’s Feel. What technique does is clarifying the form generation process and that’s what approves the art in the test of time. you have to know technique to get to a form. Without technique you cannot get even close to a From in your art.
When the movie “Grapes of Wrath” by John Ford creates a character of a mother in the family the first thing that comes to me is my idea of Mother so that’s how I relate to it. One great said once “ in order to be global first you need to be local” is what this Mother means. Its still an American mother but It expands to a general meaning of a mother. Everyone felt existence of a mother in their lives. This is Art bridging to that feel
(just look how she is standing by this table on the left feeding her family) image from IMDB
it might be more helpful if you read some of my reviews on cinema in my Instagram. Cinema is one of the easiest ways to explore what we know/expect from art. ( ill have more blogs about art if this does not make any sense to you)
So if Art definition includes a subconscious that comes from human with feelings and in a different level emotions Ai can never compete with human being. The best it can reach to is a perfectionist technique. Form is what makes art strong and effective and Ai at best can make the technique. It can pretend that it have feelings.
to sum up and wraps this rabbit hole I have to say always remember we are in charge. Yes the idea of Matrix is always fun to make exciting stories but Ai is and will stay a tool to make us better at what we do. Like every other technology it comes with some side effects that are not necessary but it exists. Yes there will be people who only accept Ai and follow everything Ai says. are we all gonna die? no. Yes the more it gets better the more people might loose jobs. are we all gonna die? no.
Remember 25 July 1976 the 4th Paul Masson chess tournament in Saratoga, California. This was the first time a computer won a human tournament and we still play chess with each other aren’t we? was that day the end of chess era? no.
Lets understand this tool and try to communicate with it better to be able to study it, learn it, use it and don’t fall in love with it.
Its not the end of humanity, its not the best thing that happened to humanity, it is what it is and we can use it in some way and control it in other way. Its not our purpose in life, its not our religion, its not our boogie man. For any good or bad reason it exist today and lets figure it out. As artists.